In the heart of rainy Forks, Washington, unfolds the extraordinary tale of Twilight. Bella Swan, a sheltered teenager, finds her life irrevocably intertwined with the enigmatic Cullen family. Edward Cullen, a captivatingly handsome and aloof vampire, possesses the power to read minds and has an irresistible attraction to Bella. Despite the inherent danger, Bella falls deeply in love with Edward, setting in motion a series of forbidden romances, supernatural threats, and unbreakable bonds. As Bella navigates the complexities of vampire society, she must confront her own mortality and the perilous choices that lie ahead.
Twilight, the captivating novel by Stephenie Meyer, transports readers to the enchanting town of Forks, Washington, where the lives of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen intertwine in a thrilling and forbidden love story.
When Bella moves to live with her father, Charlie, she finds herself drawn to the enigmatic Edward Cullen, a member of a mysterious vampire family. Despite the warnings of her newfound friend, Jacob Black, a shapeshifter, Bella becomes irresistibly attracted to Edward's danger and allure.
As their forbidden romance blossoms, Bella uncovers the secrets of the Cullen clan and their struggle to live in a human world while concealing their true nature. However, their love is threatened by the presence of James, a malevolent vampire, who hunts Bella for her irresistible scent.
In a climactic confrontation, Edward and his family must confront James and protect Bella from his deadly intentions. As the battle rages, loyalties are tested, and the lines between love and danger blur, leaving readers breathless and yearning for more.
Movie Info
Rating: PG-13 (for some violence and sensuality)
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Drama
Original Language: English
Director: Catherine Hardwicke
Stars: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner
Producer: Greg Mooradian, Karen Rosenfelt, Wyck Godfrey
Writer: Stephenie Meyer (novel), Melissa Rosenberg (screenplay)
Release Date: November 21, 2008 (USA)
Runtime: 122 minutes
Distributor: Summit Entertainment
Production Co: Temple Hill Entertainment, Summit Entertainment
Sound Mix: Dolby Digital
Aspect Ratio: 1.85 : 1
Where to Watch
The Twilight film series is available on several streaming platforms and on DVD and Blu-ray. Here's a breakdown of where you can watch each movie:
You can also watch the Twilight films on DVD or Blu-ray by purchasing them from retailers such as Amazon, Walmart, or Best Buy.