Window Capping Before And After

Window Capping Before And After

Window capping is an excellent way to protect your windows from the elements. It is an inexpensive, yet effective option for improving the look of your home. Capping windows can help to increase the energy efficiency of your home, shield against the sun's damaging UV rays, and also provide a sound barrier from outside noise. In addition, capping windows can help to reduce condensation, reduce the amount of dust and dirt that enters your home, and help to seal out moisture.

Before You Begin

Before you get started on the window capping process, there are a few things you should consider. First, take into account the type of material you plan to use for the window capping. Your options include aluminum, vinyl, wood, and even composite materials. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. Think about the environment you live in, the type of windows you have, and the overall aesthetic of your home to decide which material is best for you.

You should also consider the size of the window. Measure the width and height of the window to determine the amount of material you will need for the job. If you are unsure of the size, you can always ask a professional for assistance.

Gathering Your Supplies

Once you have decided on the type of material and the size of the window, it is time to gather your supplies. You will need capping material, capping clips, a caulking gun, caulk, and a caulking knife. If you are using aluminum, you will also need a drill, screws, and a bit. If you are using wood, you will need nails and a hammer.

Installing the Capping

Now that you have all of your supplies, it is time to start the installation process. Begin by cleaning the window frame with a damp cloth. Once it is dry, it is time to apply the caulk. Run a bead of caulk along the edges of the window frame. Use the caulking knife to smooth it out. You may need to apply a second coat of caulk.

Next, lay the capping material on the window frame and secure it with the clips. If you are using aluminum, use the drill to attach the screws. If you are using wood, use the hammer to attach the nails. Once the capping is secure, clean up any excess caulk with a damp cloth.

Capping Maintenance

To keep your window capping looking great, you should periodically inspect it for signs of wear and tear. Check for any cracks or chips in the material and replace it if necessary. It is also important to clean the capping regularly to prevent dirt and debris from building up. A soft cloth and mild detergent will do the trick.


Window capping is an excellent way to protect your windows and improve the look of your home. It is important to take the time to choose the right material for your window capping and to gather the necessary supplies before you begin the installation process. Once you have the capping installed, remember to inspect it periodically and to clean it regularly to keep it looking great.

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