Dog Acting Strange After Teeth Cleaning

Dog Acting Strange After Teeth Cleaning

It can be an unsettling experience when your beloved pup starts acting strange after a teeth cleaning. Even though it is a routine procedure, there are a few things that can cause your dog to act strangely afterwards. It’s important to know why and how you can help your pup back to normal.

There are a few possible causes for strange behavior in dogs after a teeth cleaning. Some of the most common reasons are:

  • Anesthetic Reaction: Dogs can sometimes have an adverse reaction to the anesthesia used during a teeth cleaning. This can cause them to be dazed, uncoordinated, or have a slowed heart rate. If you suspect your dog is having an anesthetic reaction, contact your vet immediately.

  • Pain or Discomfort: Even though your pup may have been under anesthesia during the procedure, they may still experience pain or discomfort afterwards. This pain can manifest itself in strange behaviors such as restlessness, depression, or even aggression.

  • Gum Infection: If your pup has an infection in their gums, it can cause them to act strangely after a teeth cleaning. This is because the infection can cause pain, swelling, and even bleeding. If your pup shows any signs of gum infection, contact your vet immediately.

Tips to Help Your Dog After Teeth Cleaning

If your pup is acting strangely after a teeth cleaning, there are a few things you can do to help. Here are some tips:

  • Provide Comfort: Be sure to provide your pup with plenty of comfort and reassurance. Speak softly to them and give them lots of cuddles. This will help them feel more secure and relaxed.

  • Encourage Rest: Your pup may be feeling tired and sore after the procedure, so it’s important to encourage them to rest. Make sure they have a comfortable spot to relax, such as their bed or a cozy blanket.

  • Monitor for Infection: If your pup has an infection in their gums, it’s important to keep an eye on them. Monitor their behavior and look for signs of infection such as bad breath, excessive drooling, or red gums.

  • Give Medication: If your pup is in pain or discomfort, your vet may prescribe medication to help. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and give the medication as directed.

  • Follow Up Appointments: If your pup is exhibiting strange behavior after a teeth cleaning, it’s important to follow up with your vet. They may need to do a checkup or perform additional tests to make sure your pup is healthy.

Preventing Strange Behavior After Teeth Cleaning

It’s important to take steps to prevent strange behavior in your pup after a teeth cleaning. Here are some tips:

  • Brush Regularly: Regular brushing is one of the best ways to prevent strange behavior after a teeth cleaning. Brush your pup’s teeth every day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste designed for dogs.

  • Schedule Checkups: Schedule regular checkups with your vet to monitor your pup’s dental health. Your vet can spot potential problems early and help you keep your pup’s teeth and gums healthy.

  • Avoid Sugary Treats: Sugary treats can contribute to gum disease and other dental problems. Try to limit sugary treats and instead opt for healthy, dental-friendly treats.

  • Provide Chew Toys: Chew toys can help keep your pup’s teeth clean and healthy. Look for toys that are designed for dental health, such as ones with raised ridges that can help scrape away plaque.

  • Visit the Vet: If your pup’s teeth appear to be in bad shape, it’s important to take them to the vet for a professional cleaning. This will help prevent dental problems and ensure your pup’s teeth are healthy.

It can be scary when your pup is acting strange after a teeth cleaning. But by understanding the possible causes and taking steps to prevent it, you can help ensure your pup’s dental health and keep them happy and healthy.

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