Are Green Giant Arborvitae Deer Resistant

Are Green Giant Arborvitae Deer Resistant

Green Giant Arborvitae is a popular evergreen tree choice for many homeowners. Not only are they attractive with their bright green foliage, but they are also low maintenance and can provide privacy screens. But one of the most important questions to consider before planting is whether or not they are deer resistant.

Deer are some of the most destructive animals to gardens and landscapes. They can cause a lot of damage to plants, and it can be difficult to protect them from deer. Fortunately, Green Giant Arborvitae is considered to be deer resistant, so you can rest easy knowing that your trees will remain safe.

When it comes to deer resistance, Green Giant Arborvitae are considered to be one of the best choices. Deer tend to avoid these trees due to their thick foliage and strong scent. In addition, the needles of the tree are sharp and can be a deterrent for deer. This makes them a great choice for homeowners who are looking for a way to protect their gardens from deer.

Although Green Giant Arborvitae are considered to be deer resistant, it is important to note that there is no such thing as a deer proof plant. Deer can still find a way to get to your plants if they are desperate enough. So it is important to take the necessary steps to protect your plants. Here are some tips to help keep deer away from your Green Giant Arborvitae:

Tips to Protect Your Green Giant Arborvitae from Deer

  • Install a deer fence around your trees. A deer fence can be an effective way to keep deer away from your plants. Make sure the fence is tall enough and securely fastened to the ground.

  • Spray your plants with a deer repellent. There are a variety of deer repellents available that can help to keep deer away from your plants. Make sure to follow the directions on the product for best results.

  • Plant fragrant plants around your Green Giant Arborvitae. The strong scent of some plants can help to repel deer and keep them away from your trees.

  • Add a motion-activated sprinkler. Motion-activated sprinklers can be a great way to scare deer away from your plants. When the deer approach, the sprinklers will turn on and startle them away.

  • Cover your plants with netting. Covering your plants with netting can help to keep deer away. Make sure to use a net that is strong and durable enough to withstand the deer’s attempts to gain access.

These are just a few tips to help protect your Green Giant Arborvitae from deer. It is important to note that no method is 100% effective and deer can still find a way to get to your plants if they are desperate enough. So it is important to take the necessary steps to protect your plants.


Green Giant Arborvitae is a great choice for those looking for a low maintenance evergreen tree that is also deer resistant. Although they are considered to be deer resistant, it is important to take the necessary steps to protect your plants. By following the tips above, you can help to ensure that your Green Giant Arborvitae remain safe from deer.

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